
Chevy Chase DC

Chevy Chase DC

Not to be confused with Chevy Chase MD, the Chevy Chase neighborhood in DC.

Welcome to Chevy Chase DC

Not to be confused with Chevy Chase MD, the Chevy Chase neighborhood in DC has a more urban flavor with a primarily suburban-like landscape. It is served by the Friendship Heights Metro Station at the northern end where it meets Chevy Chase MD and includes commercial corridors of upper Connecticut & Wisconsin Avenues with their vibrant mix of cafes, neighborhood restaurants, specialty shops, and food markets

Endowed with a variety of home styles
 in the various sections of greater Chevy Chase DC, it also offers a diverse selection of condominiums in buildings born of various eras and styles. More than any other mostly residential family-friendly neighborhood in the upper Northwest, it provides a broad mix of architectural styles and home sizes. You’ll find detached brick Colonials, Tudors, Craftsman, Cape Cods, Contemporary-style homes, Bungalows, Mid-century Modern homes, a small group of front-porch row homes, and luxury townhomes. 
The Eastern side of the area borders Rock Creek Park where many residents enjoy the scenic beauty and peace of the Park, along with the recreational opportunity of its hiking and biking trails. Those who choose to live closer to Connecticut and Wisconsin Avenues experience more convenience to neighborhood retail amenities and ease of commuting to Downtown DC and outlying areas.

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